Melton Medical Clinic

Helping the Melton Community since 1971

Melton Medical Clinic

Helping the Melton Community since 1971


Please refer all correspondence to:

Practice Manager

Melton Medical Clinic

95 Unitt St, Melton, 3337

Phone: (03) 9743-5600

Fax: (03) 9743-2220

Please do not use this email to request or discuss personal medical information / results or to book an appointment. Please call reception to make an appointment (or book via the Hotdoc app).


Please feel free to discuss any problems or issues you may have with one of the doctors or in writing to the Practice Manager.If you have an ongoing issue, patients or their advocates are entitled to register a complaint with the Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner for any unresolved health issues. Please obtain information brochures from the reception staff or you can contact them directly on the address below:

Health Complaints Commissioner

Level 26, 570 Bourke St,

Melbourne, Vic 3000

Tel:1300 582 113


Survey Feedback - Thank you to all of you who filled in our patient feedback sheets for our clinic survey. We appreciate your time and comments. The main issue that was consistent across your feedback was the waiting time within the clinic for your appointment.

While sometimes this is unavoidable, we have brought this to the attention of all the doctors and staff.However, patients attending the clinic can also help keep waiting time to a minimum. This can be achieved by: (1) not arriving late for your appointment, (2) not asking for extra patients to be "squeezed in" during your appointment, and (3) booking a longer appointment when you have multiple problems to talk about with your doctor.While all endeavours are made to see you as close as possible to your appointment time, the situations above will most likely cause your doctor to be running behind time.

We have also implemented some changes to patient attendance and flow. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, we will now ask you to rebook your visit. Please make sure you arrive on time so as not to disadvantage other patient appointments.

© Melton Medical Clinic 1971-2024