We have transitioned to our new online appointment provider HotDoc and have gone live for appointments from September 7th 2023. Please download the app to book online, or click on the “Book Appointment” icon in the sidebar. Please note: you must register an account with HotDoc to use the service.
New patients must call the clinic and book via phone.
We often get mixed messages about the sun. Too much can certainly increase your risk of skin cancer not to mention the painful and damaging experience of sunburn. On the other hand, not enough sun can lead to vitamin D deficiency, an important vitamin for building strong bones.
Some people are more prone to vitamin D deficiency than others. These include people who are house bound (particularly the elderly), people with naturally dark skinned, those who cover their bodies for religious or cultural reasons or those who have a physical illness or disability that restricts their time outside. Most of the body’s vitamin D comes from the sun, but it can also be found in foods like oily fish, eggs, margarine and milk. However, the doses available in foods are so small it is almost impossible to get enough vitamin D from food alone.
To ensure you get enough vitamin D from the sun, it’s important to know how to do so without putting your skin at risk.Normal, short, daily outdoor activities should provide sufficient exposure, but remember to protect yourself using sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat and shirt when the UV level is 3 or above. Those lucky enough to live in the northern half of Australia are exposed to high levels of UV all year round and the same exposure recommendations that apply in summer work well in winter there too. However, down south where we are, it gets cold in winter and UV levels are low. Two or three hours in the sun (total over the course of a week) is the best way to keep vitamin D levels healthy. A little exposure goes a long way, so taking a walk during your lunch break with your sleeves rolled up or shoulders exposed is a great idea.
When you are attempting to quit smoking, it is helpful to be able to pull on the support of family and friends. However, there is also professional guidance and support available. Professional quit support from a qualified health professional can increase the odds of quitting smoking successfully. Seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but instead a great way to enhance your chances of becoming smoke free.You may want to consider the following types of quit support services:
Quitline (13 7848 or 13 QUIT)
Individual counselling to help you quit smoking
Advice from your doctor, pharmacist or other health professional
Quit smoking group
A great way to find the quit smoking support you're looking for is by calling the Quitline to find out about recognised support services that may be in your area. Services do change from time to time, and a professional Quitline Advisor can provide you with up-to-date details of the quit support services available. Remember, if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t give up on giving up!
The doctors and staff would like to congratulate Dr Andrew Soloczynskyj for being awarded the 2014 VMA General Practice Supervisor of the Year Award. As many of our patients will know, our practice has been a training practice for over 45 years for medical students and registrar doctors. Our partner and colleague, Dr. Andrew Soloczynskyj, is a mentor and supervisor of these doctors and has been teaching for many years.This award is voted on by his peers and the many doctors he has tutored over the years. Our congratulations to Andrew for this prestigious award which is a genuine recognition for his enthusiasm and passion in teaching.
You should talk to your doctor well in advance of your trip so you know what vaccinations are needed and when they should be administered, and to ensure you have enough time to complete the course or have any booster doses required.
Generally it takes at least 2 weeks following a vaccination for your body to produce enough antibodies to protect you against the disease. So for the first week or so after having a new vaccination you will have very little protection.
Generally it takes at least 2 weeks following a vaccination for your body to produce enough antibodies to protect you against the disease. So for the first week or so after having a new vaccination you will have very little protection.
© Melton Medical Clinic 1971-2024